Finding that 'ONE' right man.
Written by
Coreen Trost
February 2010
Written by
Coreen Trost
February 2010
After my divorce several years ago, I started meeting new friends and going out. I quickly rememembered why I didn’t date much in high school. Because dating can be uncomfortible and even scary at times. In the last 5 years I have dated quite a bit. Most have only been 1st dates, where I knew right away they were not the ‘ONE’ I was looking for. So I didn’t accept another date. Others I thought could be, so I went on a few more dates. I then either realized I didn’t feel what I should. Or I saw red flags, and RAN! At times I’ve been told that I don’t give even the nice guys a chance. So I've gone on some second dates, just to make sure they were not the ‘One’. But that has never changed my initial intuition or gut feeling. It has only confused and hurt some good men. Which is never my intention and I always feel bad when that happens. I dated one man who was very nice, but who lived 2 hours away. At that time in my life, I didn’t have the strength or energy for a long distance relationship. Another man I dated a few times seemed very nice at first. I quickly realized that he was controlling and manipultive. He just didn't want to be alone and wanted someone to take care of him. Actually, I've met more than a few men like that the last 5 years. Several other men I briefly went out with were very angry and bitter toward their ex-wives or girlfriends. I don’t want someone who is angry or bitter. Life is too short for that. So I knew right away that none of them were the 'one' for me either. Then of course there were the smooth, sweet talking men who were only after one thing. These men were all very self-centered with little or no real respect for women. They go from one pretty flower to the next with no intention of building a lasting relationship. These types of men get angry when a woman wants to wait until she is sure were the relationship is going. Men like this are never the 'one' for any women. This is why all women should have ‘rules’ or standards if you will. Having standards gets rid of men like this very quickly. I believe there should be more depth and meaning in a relationship than just self gratification and living in the moment. ~ “If you’re not worth the wait, it’s a sure sign they are NOT the ‘ONE’!” ~ Me A another complaint I've heard is that I’m too picky. I disagree with that perspective too. It's not that I'm too critical. It's that I know exactly what qualities I’m looking for in a man. There's a difference! In the past I have lacked self-esteem and almost settled for less than what I deserve. So a few years ago I raised the bar. Since then some men have argued that my ‘bar’ is set too damn high! My response to that is ‘it’s about time’! I’m extremely passionate with emotions that run very deep. That’s who I am! I want to be with someone who appreciates those characteristics and truely understands me! Someone with similar beliefs, family values and a positive attitude! A man with the same heart and soul as me if possible. I’m waiting for that ‘ONE’!

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