Photoshop-Botox for Author Photos
Written by
Randy Susan Meyers
February 2010
Written by
Randy Susan Meyers
February 2010

First, there was Vaseline on the camera lens. Next up was rose-colored lighting, shooting through pantyhose, and soft focus. And then came Photoshop. No one tells the truth of course, so for the “me-too-ism” of writers everywhere, I will set aside my vanity and offer the unadulterated, unvarnished, unphotoshopped truth. These are the things I did to prepare for my author photo: 1) Googled ‘how to look good in photos’ and found advice. Very helpful advice. 2) Went for a professional make-up ‘consult’ (would that be tax deductible?) 3) Visited the ‘hair whisperer’ and told him, “Do what you will. Just don’t cut it short.” Which he did. But I loved it. Price: Very high. Satisfaction: Priceless. And don’t even ask about clothes. I bought and returned several boutique’s worth. I tried on every combination of outfit and accessory. My sister Jill, a person for whom I never have to pretend, is a talented photographer and a super-talented sister. To make the best author photo, she studied portrait-shooting technique, bought the talented Marion Ettinger’s book Author Photo for inspiration, and invested in equipment to make me glow (and look, ahem, less mature.) Jill did a wonderful job. She shot literally hundreds of photos, and we reviewed and eliminated, consulted and polled until we found ‘the one.’ Then she really went to work. With a stroke of her magic computer pen, lines disappear. Adjust the lighting: I warm up, I cool down. I flushed, I blushed, I smoldered. How far could we go? I’d already applied make-up with the skill of Bobbi Brown herself. Worn the pearl earrings that cast a glow on my face. Chosen the green shirt that matched my eyes. Now I had to answer the question: is it Kosher to erase my lines? Would it be like using Botox? (Is it ok to use Botox? Is it less bad to use only Photoshop Botox?) After a second of agonized deliberation, I decided. Just a few minor…adjustments. The furrows between my brows came from worrying over my children, for goodness sake. Would softening those badges of motherhood make me a bad person? And what about those pesky forehead lines? The incipient puppet lines by my mouth? Jill went to work. And I loved the final product. Perhaps too much. What if my sister had made me look so good that no one would recognize me in real life? A friend of mine, a lovely-looking woman whose book was about to be sold, vowed to have her picture taken sans artifice. So that no one would be surprised when they met her. Since my book came out, people have recognized me when I came to do a reading. No one asked me what century the picture was taken. Okay. There was one. (I did promise the truth, right?) The woman who gave me a facial, the one who stared at me under those glaring lights of truth – she asked when the picture was taken. Maybe my friend had the right idea. Jill did such a good job with that photo. I worry: Was it cheating to use Photoshop? Here’s the before and after. You be the judge.

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  • Excellet advice. I'm thinking "photoshop botox" is a MUST for me. I love the idea of softening "the badges of motherhood". Apparently, I was busy accumulating many during my thirties. Unlike the Girl Scout badges my daughter amassed, mine are permanently etched between my eyebrows! Thanks for your transparancy here. It's nice to know other women have the same dilema.

  • Siobhan Fallon

    Great advice, thanks so much, Randy! Will go search google right now...

  • Anouska

    I just did the Google search and you're right!
    Who would have thought...
    Thank you so much

  • Randy Susan Meyers

    I fretted for a long time. Way longer that seemed appropriate. If you lived in Boston or Rhinebeck I'd lend you my sister, for sure. I really do suggest that you Google looking food in photos--honest, it made all the difference to me (trust me, I don't take many good pictures as all--this one was a miracle of make-up, hair being done different and Google tips.

  • Anouska

    Love your story!
    I'm in the same predicament: I have been fretting over the inevitable author photo for the past eight months... One side of me tells me that I'm being ridiculous, the other side tells me I had better prepare... I almost never look good in pictures (those where I do are used many years beyond their taking - like the one I'm using here), which is why I have an intense dislike of having my picture taken.
    Thank you for posting this. It's amazing what technology can do (and a small make-over).
    Like Carleen said, you look nice in both pictures, but the manipulated one is the one that is marketable (and I'm sure that people like Angelina Jolie have their pics edited just the same)
    Now all I need is a photoshop-artist sister of my own... ;-)

  • Randy Susan Meyers

    Right? It's quite something (but major props to the make up and hair. :)

  • Carleen

    BOTH are nice pictures, but you did good with the Photoshop. :)