Written by
christine paulino
September 2011
Written by
christine paulino
September 2011

  I was talking to a friend of mine on face book. The question she asked is does the change of the season make everyone nastalgic? I thought about this. Yes, it does. It makes me long for the times when I was young growing up in Pennsylvania on a small plot of land with barns, fruit trees, colored woods, long rustling grass and wood fires. The chill crisp in the air, warm woolen socks, the wood stove in the house with a tea pot boiling away on it and my mother baking bread everyday just as I do now.

 It makes me think wistfull of my horse long passed on from old age standing at the fence calling to me for hay and feed. His breathe would blow like steam from the engine of a train as he winnied his silver colored head hanging over the fence. He would paw his hard black feet ready to go. I would saddle up  riding as the leaves would fall in red gold showers all around me. My friends would come along on horses. We would gallop laughing, smiling, just being young wrapped in bulky sweaters, leather gloves and tall black boots.

   He and I were always a pair. I rode him silver white Arabian stud or my bay mare her furry red coat and long jet mane flying.  I would always come home from all day out in the woods not cold but refreshed. I always remember the good smell of the leather, horses and the earth. I was relaxed  on our return from adventures. I had to be ready to haul wood so the house would stay warm since we didnt use any other heat. I still enjoy the smell of wood smokein my clothes.  When it got dark the barn was buttoned up horses cleaned, wood to the house, hot tea on the table waiting for me just as it was getting dark. My sisters and my brother would be working too. Chores were a part of the day. We were not rich but we were able to use the time to play in the leaves or in the winter ride the sled down the big hill.

  Now, I sit to knit big wooly socks, bake lovely fresh bread and I some times still haul wood for a fire. I miss those days. I think though that maybe its the memory that mellows things making them sweeter. Still I wouldnt trade any of that for the world.

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  • christine paulino

    Steph, you can miss your mom, its okay. Just remember because you didnt ride when you were younger doesnt mean I cant take you riding now. I am coming  back to Delaware. Its my home. I miss it . I will be in Dover. I miss my farm in Maryland but when I divorced I lost it...and my horses too. But Dad has eleven Arabians still in Fair Hill. He is getting older. His eyesight is fading from Macular Degeneration. Mom still has cancer, but we are not close. Still that is because her mental illness has gotten worst. I mostly want to be closer to my Dad because even if my mother isnt close to me she is my mom. Thats a duty I have to fill, no choice. You can run but you cant hide as the saying goes. I ran but I have to come back because I just cant hide..lol. Irony who knew?

  • Stephanie Baffone


    That's beautiful and so beautifully written. I always wanted to learn to ride horses. For me the fall reminds me of my mom apple picking with my aunt and homemade applesauce simmering on the stove when I got home from school. I miss those days and my Mom too.