Countdown to Publication: My PR To Do List
Written by
Lori L. Tharps
June 2010
Written by
Lori L. Tharps
June 2010
Hi SheWriters, Today I promised to present my master plan for publicity for my debut novel, Substitute Me. The book comes out on August 24, which gives me just over two months to lay the groundwork for its arrival. Before I start planning however, I have to wrap my mind around what a book launch really is and what it is not. These are lessons learned from my two previous books. For example: 1. August 24 is the day Substitute Me officially becomes available on store shelves across the country. But it is neither the first nor the last day that people will purchase my book. 2. When the clock strikes midnight on August 24, my publicity campaign does not turn into a pumpkin. I have to continue to hustle and spread the word about the book on August 25th, 26th, 27th. Rinse, lather and repeat. 3. Until every single body in the whole wide world has a copy of Substitute Me in their hands, my publicity campaign will continue. While that may seem overwhelming to some, to me it means I have the rest of my life to publicize my little book so I should not kill myself getting all of my publicity projects completed in eight weeks. So with those comforting thoughts in mind, this is my PR project checklist. In a perfect world, these items will be checked off by August 24, but if it takes a bit longer, I will forgive myself. 1. Plan a Substitute Me Blog Tour with a combination of mommy bloggers, book bloggers and bloggers who like to discuss issues of diversity and culture. 2. Create a mailing list of all of my friends, fans and readers of my previous books. Use that mailing list to send a weekly newsletter beginning on July 24, with a countdown to publication theme. 3. Send an email alert/letter to independent booksellers about Substitute Me, encouraging them to carry the book at their store. 4. Record a video trailer for Substitute Me. That trailer will be posted on my website and will debut at the Substitute Me launch party. 5. Host a fantastic launch party in Philadelphia on or around August 24. 6. Plan a real life book tour throughout the fall, highlighting book festivals, libraries and churches. 7. Maintain my sanity 8. Sleep 9. Keep up with full-time teaching position at Temple University. 10. Remember to kiss my two children so I don’t have to hire my own ‘substitute me.’ Wish me luck!

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  • Chandra Hoffman

    Hey our books debut the same day and in the same area! I am just outside Philly. I like your list, and knowing that you have been down this road before. I wish we could come to each other's launch parties! But let's try and support each other at local readings and events. I'll post your tour/reading schedule on my professional Facebook to try and hit some local people?
    You can find mine here, with new events coming every day.

  • Karin Lippert

    I think your list sounds terrific...what about a video on YouTube? Do you already have that? An Event page on FB for the party on the 24th, Podcast or two...?

  • Mary Osborne

    Great advice, Lori and best of luck with Substitute Me! I will check it out.

    My historical novel, Nonna's Book of Mysteries, was just released and I am a bit overwhelmed by all the marketing tasks on my list! I like your reminder that the campaign continues well after the publication date. Also needed the reminder to sleep and maintain sanity!

  • Brooke Linville

    Another quick question- are they interested to know what your plan is and do you talk to the PR/marketing department much?

  • Lori L. Tharps

    Thanks everyone for the well-wishes. I'm hopeful that I can get it all done. FYI, to answer Brooke's question, these are my own initiatives. My publisher is primarily handling outreach to long lead media, radio and TV.

  • Rebecca Rasmussen

    Good luck with everything!

  • Shay Olivarria

    Thanks for posting this. As a self-published author it helps to see what others are doing. It's affirming to know that I'm on the right track and doing the right things.


    Shay Olivarria
    Author, 10 Things College Students Need to Know About Money

  • Cheryl L. Butler

    I wish you LUCK, LUCK, LUCK! :) But I don't think you'll need it! WOW! You are a true inspiration! My first book, Pregnant Women Don't Eat Cabbage, was released on February 25th and what a learning process it has been! Your insight has been so refreshing and inspiring to me! Thank you! Looking forward to reading your book this fall!

  • Brooke Linville

    Two months seems so soon! I just caught up on what your book is about and it looks fascinating, so I'm anxious to get my hands on it :-)

    Out of curiosity, how does your PR to-do list dovetail with the publisher's? How involved are they in the process? (I saw that you plan on doing it mostly yourself, but I'm wondering if the house is involved at all.)