In Honor of 8000: Shout Out A She Writer Today
Written by
The Salonniere
April 2010
Written by
The Salonniere
April 2010
Earlier today, I welcomed our 8000th member (and if you get a chance, welcome her too!), and in honor of this major milestone, I'd like to do what every good salonniere does: graciously—and gratefully—yield the floor to the incredible women who have made her salon a success. In honor of 8000, I'm creating a new She Writes tradition: She Writes Shout Out Day. Today, I ask each of you to do something quick, painless and tremendously powerful: shout out a fellow She Writer. (Feel free to shout out more than one!) Who has stopped by and said hello to you here? Whose words will you not forget? Who has written a blogpost you loved, or founded a group you can't live without? Whose work have you discovered—or rediscovered—by finding her here on She Writes? Tell us about her, shout out her books or her blog, and in your shout out, DON'T FORGET LINK LOVE. Link to your fellow She Writers' She Writes page. Link to her blog or website, if she has one. Link to her Facebook page and don't forget to mention her Twitter handle. And be sure to share your shout out on your Twitter and Facebook accounts, too. Tag your tweets "#SWSOD" so the Twitterers among us can follow the thread. In short, help us create a viral wave that will give a whole lot of She Writers a heck of a nice feeling today. We will also share links to your posts on our She Writes Facebook Fan Page and through our Twitter feed @shewritesdotcom (fan us! follow us!). Looking forward to learning more about this community today, from the women who know it best: YOU.

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  • Cristina T.OKeeffe

    Is it too embarassingly late to do a Shout Out to an old friend and fellow writer, Meredith Morgenstern Lopez? We were in a writing group together and her fiction was very well written and her editing skills top notch. Check her out at

  • Suma Narayan

    Oh, Lord! I am blushing! At this age, too! Scandalous! I have become as pink as what I am wearing in the picture!
    Thank you, Sagarika.
    God bless you, too.

  • Sagarika Pandey

    A big shout,yet again to a fabulous professor I met here and more than anything thankful to talked to her here!
    So here's to her,Suma Narayan (Suma Ma'am that I call her!),a big big shout for her!

  • Sagarika Pandey

    A Big shout to a dear (online) friend of mine,Erika!
    She's the one who introduced me to shewrites,more than anything I am thankful for having the chance to have met her and be friends with her!
    Here's to a wonderful Erika!
    She has a lots blogs so you might as well take a look at her page!

  • Lisa Lickel

    Shout out to Cathy Bryant,, and Texas Roads!

  • Lori Finnila

    Shout out to Yvonne Pierre for telling her courageous story tomorrow on my show at Women Empowerment Hour and in her book "The Day My Soul Cried" and for standing tall and helping other families with special needs children. Her website is here:

  • Jennifer Jean

    Shout out to Jan O'Neil (here's her blog: ) and here's a link to article I wrote reviewing her poetry book Underlife: it appears in the journal Art Throb. All hail the Shout Out!!!

  • Mary L. Tabor

    A big shout out to the terrific, exciting, beautiful and totally hip writer. Sarah Jane Stratford. !
    Go to her website and discover her if you haven't already: She says it needs to be updated. But I say, Hooray for Sarah-Jane. And she is a great person to follow on Twitter. I found her there: stratfordsj On Amazon (very exciting, just got Kindle ed!), find her book here And don't forget to become a fan: the book's FB page:

  • A day late, but a big shout-out to the lovely and inspiring Mary Tabor. Her first book is on Amazon: The Woman Who Never Cooked. You can find out more about her at: and read her blog at: I also recommend following her on Twitter: maryltabor. AND she has a fan page on Facebook: Fans of Mary Tabor !!!

  • Ellis Avery

    A shoutout to our salonniere, Kamy Wicoff, for bringing us together, and to novelist Aoibheann Sweeney, whose book Among Other Things, I've Taken up Smoking, remains among the most sharp and graceful coming-of-age stories I've ever read. Check it out!

  • Sandi Johnson

    And since I'm a day late in shouting out, I'll offer up another shout out for another SheWriter, Rebecca Rasmussen. Her new book The Bird Sisters comes out in Spring, 2011. I can't wait to read it! Thanks to SheWrites, I found a book and an author I would have never otherwise seen or heard of!

  • Sandi Johnson

    A big, obnoxious, ear-shattering shout out for Lisa Rivero. She has given me such a new appreciation for ordinary writing. She created a group on SheWrites just recently for those of us interesting in preserving the writings of our families and ancestors called Family Diaries and Documents. That group, and her blog, Everyday Intensity have inspired in me a renewed interest in journaling so my grandkids and great-grandkids will have a little piece of my history to hopefully hold and cherish the way I hold and cherish the letters, poems, and watercolor paints from my grandmother and greatgrandmother.

  • Sagarika Pandey

    I would like to take this opportunity to 'Shout Out A She Writer' today to recognize what she means to me.And the She Writer is Beth Browne.She is just fabulous!And I can say that proudly,gladly and really confidently,!,thanks to our several,several messages and mails and updates and what not,further thanks to INTERNET for that.Oh!I am so glad I met her here...:)When thinking of our friendship I can't help but be elated at the thought of it,
    Delighted to have met her here!
    I remember agreeing to one of her blog post here,which I found really well written,so besides her excellent skills of writing,I've even found our views to be on the same side too.
    Here's a link to her blog;

  • Sagarika Pandey

    After joining I rediscovered my self a little each day.
    More than anything on here what made my mind fly toward shewrites each time ,well,I thought is the wonderful friendship I found here.
    So I would like to 'Shout out A She Writer' today;
    Linda Gracia with whom I don't even remember had how many hours of conversations I have had,through she writes of course.Glad that I met here her!
    But now I seem to have found her account deleted,anyways,I'll always have her friendship in my heart!

  • Dory Adams

    A big shout out to Lauren B. Davis, who I met online for the first time here at She Writes. It was Lauren's input to discussions here that led me to read her novel The Radiant City, which is a story and characters I still think about. I'm looking forward to reading her other novels, and I always look forward to reading new posts on her blog The View from the Garden.

  • Mylene Dressler

    A SHOUT OUT to Renate Stendhal ( out the range of her work) for embracing the true spirit of She Writes and passing it on. Can't wait to exchange book with you, Renate!

  • Sally Schloss

    A shout out to Yona Zeldis-McDonough whose latest novel Breaking the Bank is a must read for any beleaguered single mom who is struggling in this cockeyed economy to make ends meet, and dreams of a magic money fix. In Yona's book the magic arrives via an ATM machine that gives her free money. You'll have to read the book to find out all the complications that ensue from having a dream come true.

  • Stacey Donovan

    8 being the sign representing infinity, 8000 representing infinity multiplied by that many females. to add just one word written by each female means She Writes has made possible more communication than the sky has created stars. twinkle twinkle, you're telling me...

    so here's one to She Writes poet Katayoon Zandvakili (, whose simple "hello" appeared in my inch-big "in" box one day, compelling me to discover yet another vital sensibility that dazzles my little world. and here's an excerpt from Kat's poem, Mary Jane Song:

    I fell into the word, and it held me,
    my hair, visage, the golden crumbling
    of the horses of my soul

  • Rebecca Rasmussen

    Shout out to fellow She-Writer Siobhan Fallon, who is lovely, inspiring, amazing! Her book of stories will be published next year by Amy Einhorn Books. Check her out on She Writes here:

  • Jennifer Lauck

    I know it's goofy and suspect--but I shout out you Kamy! You've got two kids, you work all the time, you are devoted to the conversation and taking over the world--one woman at a time. I'm glad to know you and be a part of this highly recognizable and essential community.

  • Beth Browne Revising

    Here's a shout for my buddy, Alice Osborn, for winning big in the Carolina Woman contest!! Goooo Alice!!!

  • Jacki Zehner

    I must shout out Deborah Siegel a co-founded of She Writes. I love Deborah for a thousand reasons, including that she wrote the most fabulous history of American Feminism - Sisterhood, Interrupted: From Radical Women to Girls Gone Wild. Please give a copy to anyone who says - Gloria who?

  • Eileen Flanagan

    I really enjoyed Lori Tharps' memoir Kinky Gazpacho: Life, Love & Spain, and I'm looking forward to her forthcoming novel Substitute Me about the complex relationship between a nanny and her employer. Lori is also the founder of my writers group and a very generous spirit, so I'm glad to have the chance to plug her.

  • Pamela Ferris-Olson

    I'm going to be a shameless hussie and shout out for myself. I am new to SheWrites and my book is new. Not to mention that I am passionate about my book Living in the Heartland: Three Extraordinary Women's Stories. Living in the Heartland: Three Extraordinary Women’s Stories is an intimate look at contemporary minority women living in the nation’s heartland. It is a compelling story of real Americans – women who are heroines not because of remarkable feats but in the graceful way they live in the face of challenges. You can see a YouTube preview video . As women we are so busy getting on with our daily responsibilities that we often fail to acknowledge our accomplishments, so I continue the stories of extraordinary women on my Web site Living in the Heartland , and for those who want to know the trials and tribulations that an indie writer faces on the road to publication please visit my wordpress blog OutoftheBoxPublishingCompany. What drives me to do all this? My book Living in the Heartland. I am passionate about the women who contributed to it and believe in the message that women as different as they may appear on the outside underneath are all woven of the similar fabric. We all want the best for our children, to be recognized for our accomplishments, be loved and to lead happy lives.

  • Gabrielle Burton

    A shout out to Sonya Huber for her generosity--her perceptive, insightful questions helped me write a better book.

    And a shout out to Hope Edelman who is also most generous with her time and tips to other writers.

    Oh one could just keep going on and on, but right now one more shout out to Meg Waite Clayton, for her generosity to other writers.

    All fine writers too, but what I'm shouting out here is the non competitive spirit being celebrated in these many shout outs today. If we're all speaking in our own voices, we aren't competing, and though it's hard sometimes, we must believe there are enough successes to go around.