• Renate Stendhal
  • Why Do Something If It Can Be Done: Quoting Gertrude Stein # 35
Why Do Something If It Can Be Done: Quoting Gertrude Stein # 35
Written by
Renate Stendhal
February 2010
Written by
Renate Stendhal
February 2010

A very swell Valentine from Gertrude to Alice is in order. It will warm your hearts. It is from "Portraits and Prayers": "When you hear her snore It is not before you love her. You love her so that to be her beau is very lovely. She is sweetly there and her curly hair is very lovely. She is sweetly here and I am very near and that is very lovely. She is my tender sweet and her little feet are stretched out well which is a treat and very lovely. Her little tender nose is between her little eyes which close and are very lovely. She is very lovely and mine which is very lovely." It would be hard to find a funnier, more tender love poem than this one in modernism. But that reminds me: you will find a another very lovely homage to Alice from She Writer Gerry Miller if you go to my post # 32 and scroll down to the most recent comment.

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  • Renate Stendhal

    You are married to a saint, Tinamarie! That's a delightful story, too. Thank you. Is your mom also German?

  • Tinamarie Bernard

    Oh, this is delightful!
    True story: When I got pregnant with my second child, I told my new husband - we'd been together less than a year, a whirlwind romance - that I was going to start snoring. The hormones mess up my nasal passages. He looked at me a bit horrified, but got used to the idea in time for when the snoring really began, around 5 months. Never complained at all during my pregnancy, and when baby girl was born, he took all the nights for several weeks until I was well enough after a difficult recovery. That's amore!
    Happy Valentines Day Renate! (PS - did I mention in our last correspondence that Renate is my mother's name too?)

  • Renate Stendhal

    I bet these two laughed a LOT, how could it be otherwise with so many word games and play and invention. And they also fought with passion...

  • Gerry Miller

    This is charming. How pleased Alice must have been to receive this. Did she laugh or did she weep with joy? Maybe both. Isn't the photo wonderful!