Looking for a critique group...
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Hi all.  I am fairly new to the group here, and just beginning my adventures in writing/publishing.  I am looking to find a group of 3 or 4 people to start an online critique group.  As I am posting this in the essay group, I am looking for other essay/memoir/nonfiction writers to read and critique a few times a month.  If you are interested, willing, and wanting some others to work with, drop me a note.

Happy holidays!


  • This sounds like a great idea -- you can count me in after the new year.  So, please send a reminder then.  I've published a couple of essays, but not in a long time, and I have some ideas for which I could use feedback.

    Merry Happy and all that jazz,


  • Hi Amanda - 

    This very afternoon I was telling myself to quit hemming and hawing and put out some feelers for a critique group.  I'm definitely interested.  I've been dabbling with an essay collection idea for many months now. It's time to quit circling the plane, I think, and prepare to land.

    Thanks for sending this query!  It was the perfect nudge.

    Cheers -
