Introduce Yourself to SheWrites/Twitter Connect! FIRST POST GOES HERE, PLEASE! :)
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Tell us what Genre you write, your Twitter handle, and any other social networking links you may have (blogs, Facebook page, Goodreads, etc.). People with similar interests can stalk you easier this way :)
  • Hi there. I'm Addie, memoir/creative nonfiction writer, mother of small boys, automatic coffee-maker enthusiast (seriously--how did people get by?). I'm new to twitter but am finding my groove under the handle @addiezierman.


    My website has not yet made the transition from freelance copywriter to all-around-awesome-author, but you can take a look if you want: Happy to be here among so much awesomeness.

  • I used social oomph for can set up automated DMs to new followers to say whatever you want. lol.  I set up 5 different ones.
  • Thanks for the welcome note! I am a huge fan of Twitter so feel free to reach out. You can find me @jessicaksmith. Also please swing by my blog, Living Well With Epilepsy. The topic is (surprise) living with epilepsy.


    Oh, and if you haven't heard my recent ya-ya about a stat I discovered, here it is:

    Epilepsy is as common and as deadly as breast cancer.

    Surprised? Mmmm. I was too.



  • I am so excited to meet you all - adding everyone to twitter, etc. Please add me as a friend - Trace15 xoxoxox
  • Hi Hi!

    I write both historical and contemporary fiction, sometimes with vague and/or not-so-vague LGBT themes. I'm on Twitter, Facebook, on my blog: Is Blog, Yes?, and on Goodreads. I use the pen name Ana Marai so don't get confused if you don't see the name Amber. :)