National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)
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Who's doing NaNoWriMo? Let's see a show of hands. I for one had already begun the novel I will be writing during NaNoWriMo which starts next month, November. Yes, that's right (write). I don't have the stamina to write 1600 words a day, which is what it takes to reach 50,000 words in a month, so I started a month early. 800 words a day works perfectly--is fun. Yes, ladies, NaNoWriMo is nearly upon us. In less than 3 weeks begins the month long writing frenzy that grips and binds writers and authors around the globe and even those of us here at SheWrites. Let's see a show of hands, or rather a show of comments telling whether you plan to participate. If so, what are you writing--memoir, novel, screenplay, non-fiction? If not, what would you like to write--memoir, novel, screenplay, non-fiction--and how can we help. I hope you all are having a wonder and blessed day and that you got a little writing in. Peace and blessings. anjuelle Imagination is the key to freedom. The author's job is to cultivate and nurture her or his imagination and that of others.

  • Great. I'm connected to both of you on NaNoWriMo now. I am really looking forward to NaNo this year. And thank you Anjuelle for reminding me that what is most important is that we just keep on writing. Best, Roxanne
  • Thanks.

    Your note made me go over and juice up my NaNoWriMo profile.

    I have signed on as one of your buddies.
    My name is: nepadfwriter

    Thanks again.

    Imagination is the key to freedom.
    The author's job is to cultivate and nurture her or his imagination and that of others.
  • I'll have to check out your plan. Over the last few years, I've discovered that I work better if I have a plan of action when it comes to doing the actual work. But when I'm not writing, my brain is always brewing up plots, characters, dialogue, etc :) My name is Bastet in NaNo if anyone wants to be my friend :)
  • Roxanne:

    I will definitely do that.
    I haven't finished the novel I started during NaNoWriMo last year. I wrote around 53,000 words, but I'll need to get back to it.

    What's most important is that we write. And everything we write counts.

    Thanks so much for connecting.
    And congratulations on those 2 novels you completed.

    Pat yourself on the back.

    My hat's off to you.

    Good luck this NaNoWriMo.

    Take care.

    P. S. I and my husband are originally from North Carolina. We are North Carolinians born and bread. Peace and Blessings.

    Imagination is the key to freedom.
    The artist's job is to cultivate and nurture her or his imagination, and that of others.

  • I've participated in NaNoWriMo several times but didn't finish. However, it wasn't a loss. Two of the four novels I started during NaNo are now completed. :-) I put together a NaNoWriMo plan that will work for me. I'm excited about participating this year. The more writing buddies the merrier. Feel free to connect with me over on the NaNoWriMo website. My username is Raleigh RoxStar.
  • THIS IS GREAT. We'll have to stay in touch and support each other. Too many times when seeing to others we forget about ourselves. As an editor and head of a publishing company, not only do you need to care for yourself. But staying in touch with your own stories and desires to craft fiction helps you to better understand writers and authors and serve as their editor. This is so wonderful. Your energy and verve are energizing. May the force be with you. Peace and Blessings. anjuelle Imagination is the key to freedom. The author's job is to cultivate and nurture her or his imagination and that of others.
  • After spending the entire year of helping others get their books published--now it's my turn--and this is practically the only way I can do it. I did my first NaNo in 2008 to try and write my second novel. I didn't finish and only wrote about 5k. I still worked outside the home at the time and had a hellish schedule. 2009 was a write off (no pun intended). Way too busy. 2010 has been just as busy. I'm working at home but still having to put the needs of other writers before my own (I'm an editor after all! LOL). This time, from Nov 1 - Nov 30, I am working on my second novel, Malice, that was supposed to have come out earlier this year. If I can get it written over the course of NaNo, my aim is to have it out in time for summer 2011.