Monday 8/30 Check-In
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It's been almost a week. Have we picked ourselves up off the floor and gotten back into the writing groove? What progress have you made on your project this week? Where do you see yourself going this week? What do you foresee as your biggest challenges this week to meeting your writing goals? What's your biggest writing accomplishment in the last week?
  • I have actually been energized by the outcome. I kept working on the project as the waiting days passed, but when the announcement came, I had to get real about my work. I located three books for research, and I have been so focused on this task that my husband had to suggest I come up for air! It won't do to check out on family just because I am writing. I am excited as I see each core concept flower and develop its own shape in the big picture. It will take me at least a year to put it in final form, but I don't think I will lose interest this time. (There are a few half-finished projects in my "someday" folder.) The more I work on this book, the more I love it. It is truly a project from my heart, informed and fleshed out by mental disciplines. I can't wait to see how it matures.
  • seems quite quiet on the Passion Project battle grounds. I suspect a reprieve is in order for many ... self included... Other things are beckoning my attention, but creative energy and book writing happens to a large degree while you are not actually writing.
  • I have been in a house cleaning frenzy. I've been chronically sick since the fire, and we finally have made major progress on my energy with meds, so I feel like I've been delayed in my nesting by 2 years. It's a lot to catch up on in a weekend! I went back and revised parts of my chapter adding in additional narrative reflection. I have about 40 pages that I'm pretty happy with, so my next challenge will be moving forward instead of continuing the revisions. My writing class ends this week, which is going to be a major bummer because I've relied on them for deadlines and feedback. Keeping up a writing routine is going to be important. And trusting my own feelings about where it's not working. I think the biggest accomplishment was not letting the results of the contest get me too distracted from my overall goal. Hope your girls have a good first week of school. It seems a little odd that they would start 2 days before a 3 day weekend!!
  • The guilt pours like cool maple syrup over hot apple pancakes. Writing? I am sitting in a cabin in Island Park watching the rain and anxiously awaiting a chance sighting of a little white rabbit. I did make a couple of interview calls before leaving town last Friday. My next deadline fast approaches. But writing? I guess I have been preoccupied with closets and clothing and lunch supplies. The girls head back to school on Thursday and I have convinced myself that writing will return in earnest in the fall. Perhaps my biggest accomplishment has been a bit of journaling. How about you Brooke? What is clicking on your computer keys?