• May 2013
    I'm an edit-as-I goer, but the problem with that is it's like dragging a weight behind you when you're trying to run a marathon. I'm trying harder to just get the story down then go back and edit, add, and cut.
  • February 2012
    So true. I can recall some things that happened in high school much more vividly than I could anything that happened to me yesterday!
  • February 2012
    You describe so perfectly the delicate dance of our memories and the "separate self" that needs to appear to write them with honesty. Up until now I've only written snippets of memoir, woven into personal essays or blog posts. I can feel most of it...
  • February 2012
    Oh, how I need these books! I'd love to share them with my critique group! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway and for all the great tips!
  • February 2012
    What a wonderful surprise! Thank you so much, Gayle! I've sent you a message with my email and address. Thank you again!! You made my day!
  • January 2012
    Dancing, which I do as often as possible, even to the extent that I missed talking to a lot of people at my high school reunion because I couldn't leave the dance floor. Also playing my drums. I'm not any good. It will never make me any money so no...
  • January 2012
    That's the best attitude to have - and really the only one if you're really determined to finish. I'm impressed with your yesterday and sympathize with your today. It's too easy for me to think about what I haven't done instead of what I did manage...
  • January 2012
    Barbara, I love your post and I love your honesty.  (Yes, Facebook is a killer. LOL)  Today was a bad day for me.  Yesterday I got 1,000 words written on my novel, and I got two articles written. Today, nothing. I own a flash fiction site...
  • January 2012
    I know what you mean - my blog forces me to write and finish something without endless editing, and allows me to free my brain of random thoughts that get in the way of my other writing. But it also takes up a lot of time! Balance is definitely the...
  • January 2012
    Thank you for writing this. I can relate so much. It seems like I tackle the same writing goals over and over, year after year. And I want to change that. I'm not one who can accomplish a lot in the little nuggets of inbetween time during the day...

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