
  • We need to hear more from women such as you. Your experience and ability to interact within this culture can only help in developing greater understanding and acceptance - both ways. I'm looking forward to reading your book.
  • Love your honesty and acceptance.  Too often expectations get in the way, but we all have them and it's part of the learning curve regardless of what kind of work we do. Along with disappointment, we also find satisfaction in words as we sit down to at the computer and write another story.  Thanks!
  • Jill, As someone who has a personal connection to this painful subject, I thank you sincerely for posting a topic that most prefer to bury, and commend you for your de...
  • I'm not this organized, although I would like to think that there is some method to my madness frustration. I am reliant on others to let me know when approaching dead...
  • I have read that grammar rules have changed, but in the byline to this story, the writer uses "coworker" and the pronoun "their" together.  Also "driver" and "their."...
  • Loved learning about your process.  I have an author's daily planner from 2011 that contains ideas for writing prompts and information about the submission acceptance...
  • Winding down and gearing up. Hmm... a great way to describe the vacuum between endings and new beginnings. But balancing these opposing forces can feel like the push/p...
  • Oh, I love this! Thank you, Bella! Yes, acceptance lies at the core of serenity. Such a simple concept and yet ... not so easy to do. What a great reminder to breathe...
  • Here is my lifelong strategy: God grant me the courage to change the things I can The serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the differen...
  • @Kathryn - Thanks for sharing news from the trenches! :)  And thanks for mentioning the time lag between acceptance, publication, and first royalty statement. A dollar...