
  • Hi Amber, Kristin Bustamante recently published a great post on that subject:
  • Oh do I know how you felt. I too felt prepared for my first pitch. One literary agent and two editors held court in a small activity room at the conference. Within the first sentence--...
  • Wow, thank you to those who responded. I posted this on June 17th and no one said a thing. I'm curious what would cause a flurry of activity? What made you notice the post Debra A Johnson, Lea Galanter, Karen Szklany, Patricia Robertson, Yvonne M. Conde, Jenni Ogden and Crystal Mary Lindsey?
  • ...uerile and impotent. We who have been raped know that the rapists was unable to engorge the man's world, that is the most important activity in the world and to be unable...
  • ...without them. I understand some folks have family or friends across the world and I'll take exception to those folks. But for the day in day out activity of reaching out, there's got...
  • Thanks, Michelle! Writing can be a lonely and stressful activity, so it's worth having a circle of friends or an activity that's unrelated.
  • Thank you for this Jill! I love the reminder and message to relax and write. I guess the social media has made what should be a simple activity complicated. I enjoy social media but wh...
  • ...ct an audience with controversy. (Who isn't trying to attract an audience after all?) As a memoirist I realize telling my story is a narcissistic activity. But I hope Tales From The Fa...
  • I write crucial scenes and dialogues in my head -- complete, or nearly so -- before I ever put fingers to keyboard.  (Taking a walk helps:  mindless physical activity seems to lull my brain into a more focused creative state.  If only housework did the same thing!)
  • ...willing to tell you what I know so far.  Apparently, when we post our work as a blog, or send it via email, there is an electronic trail of this activity, and therefore some sort of i...