
  • Donna Bryson posted a status
    ...gination to bear to describe what it would be like to have been born in a refugee camp, unwanted by the world from the start. “You grew up there enjoying the delicious taste of its du...
  • Tanushree Ghosh (Tanu) posted a status
    ...day, this book and style is very different from my own writing and what I usually come across in anthologies or collections. Worth exploring and enjoying. ​​...
  • Betty Hafner posted a reply
    ...ssage. Thanks so much for your kind words. It's so wonderful hearing reactions from readers, especially those who are also writers. I hope you're enjoying your writing. If you haven't...
  • Ellen Notbohm posted a status
    Fourteen years after my first nonfiction was published, I've crossed over to fiction and am enjoying the wild ride! My historical novel, The River by Starlight, publishes May 8, 2018. I could write another whole book about what I've learned from writing it--but that's your story too, isn't it?