
  • ...elpful. I’ve been trying to keep up a blog. I have a website and pages on Amazon and I’ve written and sent books to reviewers and keep my fingers crossed that some will read,...
  • ...published at that time--or if I had, it was only ONE publication. I did not end up actually going though--never did get an MFA. But I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!...
  • ...on numerous back covers. Now the one I'm using here at SW as an avatar I would not use because my hand looks like a lobster. And if cropped, the fingers under my chin would indeed be...
  • What more could I ask of the world?" I wish I could have had one of those chapbooks. It would be a great honor to own one. And I will keep my fingers crossed for the $70 markup.
  • A. C. Parker commented on her article What Weight Love?
    Nice to "meet" you, Tinamarie. My son is almost seven, too. I definitely relate to scraping out the batter... but I have to admit we just go at it with our fingers. It's such a great feeling to bake with kids--makes ME feel like a kid again as well. Thanks for commenting.
  • ..." story! May I correct something...I lived through the Loma Prieta earthquake, so I know it was 1989, not 88. I'm sure it was just a slip of your fingers, but it's funny that having l...
  • I learned that when I write, I feel better. Whether it's a piece that stems from pain or joy, personal experience or third-person reporting, something I publish or never share, it just seems to feel good when my fingers are moving and the words appear from my head and my heart.
  • ...e in the OC, but not all of us have long blonde (extensions) hair, drive luxury vehicles, are Republicans, wear five-karat (minimum) rocks on our fingers, have fake boobs, a few ex-hu...
  • ...oving, giving your literary baby some attention each day. I’m crossing fingers for you. I just recently had...You’ve done one major step by starting a blog. Maybe that will get the fingers happy and keep you going to t...
  • ...rk on it. On the other hand, I'm very fortunate to have an agent and editor who believe in me, and am waiting for feedback on my latest proposal. Fingers crossed. Maybe a two-book dea...