
  • The name that I use on here and around the Internet (at least with writing related or on my writing, it's like an alter ego of sorts and I shift into writer mode.
  • What a great post, Dani. I appreciate your perspective—always—on social media and onli...on NPR last night about boredom, and how it brings the brain back to "default mode," a critical state of mind fo...
  • Congratulations on the new book!! I also know what a great feeling it is to receive a copy of a new book's cover!! You are at once excited and thrilled and at the same...
  • I should have added that my book is on the internet and will be in E-Readers.I also copyright all of my projects with The Library of Congress; give them a call for additional information. My novella was published online for sale today.
  • My friend Irshad Manji has a piece about this in the Wall Street Journal, and she's got me thinking (as she always does!).
  • Thanks much everyone for these fabulous comments. Wow, if we got all these women in a room together for a workshop, that would be wildly fulfilling for all, methinks.....
  • Fictionpress, over the years, has also served as my dominant platform for online publication (with a brief, disappointing venture into Allpoetry), and I enjoyed this s...
  • Really interesting post Julija. Unfortunately the world of literature and publishing is no different to the unequal treatment of women when it comes to women's words o...
  • Margaret, it is so complicated, isn't it? I actually hemmed and hawed about writing this post. I worried that it wasn't cheerful enough (!). While my desire is for thi...
  • I didn't start writing seriously until my late 50's and that was 10 years ago and I'm still writing. I'd written all my life on and off, here and there, mostly journal...