
  • Hi Christelle, I'm a published author and blogger on Huff Post Divorce. I've tried to join She Writes for a month now, and it still says that my application is "in process" and I'll receive an e-mail within 24 hours. Can you help me, please?
  • ...a balance of work, play, yoga meditation, family life and the creative process of writing and painting. How...in my life, and my spiritual mentors and teachers. I want to share my process with you all and especially w...
  • Linda Weaver Clarke posted a status
    ...S Historical Romance: Each genre has different rules and challenges. The plot has to be carefully thought out before writing a story. The writing process between romance and mystery i...
  • Anne Heck posted a status
    ...we desperately need encouraging true stories to model healing for those who are seeking strength. A book of self-discovery, trust in the healing process and hope arising from an act...
  • Trevy Thomas posted a status
    Hello, women writers. I write creative nonfiction, and have published in literary magazines. I've also written an as-yet-to-publish book on getting through the grief process and at work on a women's fiction book. Nice to meet you!
  • J T
    Joanna Torrey posted a status
    I am a fiction and nonfiction writer, eager to find a community of writers for support in the writing process and an exchange of ideas
  • Angie Cook posted a status
    ...help others heal from their traumatic childhood experiences through my own healing and writing endeavors. I invite you to join me in the healing process that we all deserve, to find...
  • T F
    Theresa Flaherty posted a message for Brooke Warner
    ...t found out that you will be the facilitator at the Small Group Breakfast meeting that I will be attending at IPBA Publishing University. In the process of "checking you out!" I disc...
  • Sarah Kennedy posted a status
    ...child was part of it they would be willing to do that. They began the process and soon after all the paperw...Prophecy of Hope. Sgarrwrath was the result of that on-going healing process and I have often said that wi...
  • Kristen Houghton posted a status
    ...ny literary work. These books are our babies and their birth is a long process. I hope the articles in The Savvy Author, inspire and help all authors in this creative process. Happy writing! Kristen Hough...