
  • Well-said, Cindy. And what a great attitude. I don't think it's Pollyanna at all. I think you're it's realistic and mature. From the moment I got a contract for my mem...
  • Nice! Thank you for this as I have experienced similar issue when I wore different shoes and had to hire people who would ultimately report to me. Cover letters and re...
  •  Signing on with She Writes Press recently put me the publication-panic mode.  I blogged about it at http://maryh...
  • Quick comments concerning questions #3 and #4. Number 3 -...Writers. All writers need to have a mentor, a role model and an advocate. The three a...d others times we learn. Often when in the teaching mode, we learn. When in the learni...
  • I think this is a giant step forward! It will empower women and their writing; give them a professional, new place to publish with pride. Thanks!
  • Thank you for your insight. As a currently unpublished author about to move into publishing mode on my first completed manuscr...
  • Thanks so much for this.  My memoir comes out from Bloomsbury US/UK in Sept. and almos...shocked--book in, my work done until readings, etc.  Now I am in full learning mode and posts like yours are inva...
  • Thank you for presenting this idea, Ellen. In my work with children as a Study Group guide for a home-schooling co-op, I have discovered that the experimentation and d...
  • Emily, thank you so much. It is much appreciated. And I'm looking forward to your book!
  • Well done Mel. I suspect there is a lot of wisdom and experience in your book. I look forward to knowing when it is out.