

Discussion topics

  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    Do you want to make the process of shopping easier for you?...their behavior with bank good.  Most accepted mode Yes, without any doubt, a credit card is the most accepted mode on any online website. If you...
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  • Posting this for Cece so it's in introductions:  Hi everyone.  I'm new here, but Sar...the early phases of a new chapter of my life, and so am not in heavy literary mode these days, but I look forwar...
  • This is such an important point. Accuracy in data has to include language! I find this...language) as it varies tremendously from one country to another in accent and mode of expression. Have we connec...


  • Cassandra Black posted a status
    Second cuppa Joe on the horizon. Editing manuscript. Sloooow, but sure! Trying to re-establish eaaaarly morning writing routine again. Feels good, but body has to adapt. Slow, but SURE. Website:
  • E T
    Ellen Tiernan posted a status
    Hi, I am a former high school English teacher and am now writing historical fiction. I like to go camping with my husband, crochet, water color, Irish dance, garden, a...
  • Louella Bryant posted a status
    Here's a new blog post relating both to Titanic and Titan. While your at the website, have a look around for more Titanic stories.


  • You are a shot in the arm today for me as I have been in "promotion mode" since June 25 when my memoir (Re)Making...
  • Since my novel came out (The Night Counter, Three Rivers Press 2010), it has gotten ve...on't love to hear themselves talk, putting them into a weird split personality mode. As an example of the marketi...
  • I haven't been carrying books, which sounds like a great idea. What I do is carry bookmarks that have a jacket photo, book blurb and my website on them. When I'm in a...