• Nancy Hinchliff posted a message for Nino Gugunishvili
    Hi Nino, Just wondered what you're working on right now and how it's going. I am working on a (second) memoir and it's taking forever. I attribute it to the length (much longer that the first), the content (much more serious) and the extensive research. My first, published in June of this year, was humorous, light, and dealt with more recent events. My WIP scan 50 years or so, starting in the early 1900s and approached characters in more depth. It also has a universal theme or message, unlike the first. Having some structural problems, because it's so long. Right now it's in three parts along chronological lines.
  • Nino Gugunishvili posted a reply
    Hi Nancy, thank you so much for your message! Right now on a very early stage of writing my first draft of the second book, and I only wrote just several pages of it so far... I don't even have a clear plot and characters yet, it's about a young woman -Eleanor, who's happily married, have two children and comes to a new country with her family of a husband and two little daughters, but something bothers her, and I'm trying to figure out what that "something" could be. So, we'll see how it goes... your novel sounds very interesting! Do you think it would be more of a historical fiction? Please keep in touch! I'm sure you'll be very happy with the result when you finish writing it! Wishing you all the best!
  • Nancy Hinchliff posted a reply
    No, it's not a novel, it's a memoir. Characters are not made up. Events actually happened, they are not contrived.
  • Nino Gugunishvili posted a reply
    That's wonderful! Nancy! Please keep in touch! Right now I'm also struggling with the structure and POV:)

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