• An article by Janine Kovac was featured
    January 2019
    This post is the first in a five-part series about community involvement and why, if you are writer, you need to be active in your local lit scene. IRL—in real life, not just in shares and retweets. I’ll talk about why it’s...
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  • January 2019
  • October 2018
    Mae, for me this is the number-one benefit of NaNoWriMo: a daily exercise in powering through the paralysis of perfectionism. It gets easier and easier to put down the words imperfect as they may be. As Jodi Piccoult famously said, "You can't...
  • October 2018
    Thank you, Janice, for this upbeat and encouraging article. I'm prepping (somewhat cluelessly, as I am not a "planner" by nature) for NaNo, which of course starts this week. I especially love your first tip; I needed to hear that, as I am usually...

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