Why and what I write
What have I been up to lately? Finishing the school marking period and squeezing in moments to write. Writing has become such a joy to me over the past few years. Actually, I've always been interested in writing but didn't get serious about it until I lost my job. When the Christian school I'd ministered in for nineteen years closed in 2008, I found myself at loose ends and began to read books on the writing craft to pass the time. Within a few months, I'd written a mystery novel. (Not a good one!)

I began to explore the possibilities writing had to offer, started this blog, and joined American Christian Fiction Writers. After taking an online class, I revised my mystery novel and turned it into Inspirational Romantic Suspense. In March, I entered the first pages of my novel in the ACFW Genesis Contest--a competition for unpublished writers of inspirational fiction. Now I'm a finalist in the Inspirational Romantic Suspense category!

I plan to attend the ACFW Conference this September in St. Louis, where the contest winners will be announced. However, whether I win or not, being a Genesis finalist is one of the most encouraging signs I've received on my writing journey. And now that God has provided me this open door, I'm working to refine my manuscript so that I'll have something exciting to share with the editors, agents, and publishers who attend the conference.

Why do I write?
Once someone asked me why I write when I could be doing other "more worthwhile" things. All I could think of was Eric Liddell's explanation. When asked why he took time from Bible study and missionary work to run races, he said: "God made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure." Follow this link to continue reading . . .

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