Love From Within
Written by
Susan Cardia Quint
February 2011
Written by
Susan Cardia Quint
February 2011
On this Valentine's Day love is in the air, as well as chocolates, flowers, fancy dinners, and jewelry. We look for love from our children, spouse and friends. As children we are taught to search for love outside of ourselves, encouraged to find a mate with all the qualities suited best to us. So we spend many years searching for the perfect love. It isn't until many years have passed, and perhaps through much pain, that we begin to realize the love we are seeking was with us all along- inside ourselves. The Source of our being is Love. Within each of us is a beacon of love and light which is available to us every minute of every day. Some call it the Christ within, God or Goddess, or their Higher Power. It does not matter what we choose to name this unlimited supply of love, wisdom and strength. What matters most is that we come to know this Source as our true nature, one of love and good. We can turn to this Source of Love for creative inspiration, intuitive knowing, or to guide us and give us strength.
On this Valentine's Day, let us go within and connect with this force of love and light to give it to our friends, lover, or strangers passing by, so that they may come to know the truth of who they really are: LOVE. This is a gift we can give today to everyone! 

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