Of All the Things
Written by
M Kathy Brown
January 2011
Written by
M Kathy Brown
January 2011
The other day I received an email with the following quote:
                    Of all the things I've learned in life, I know that change is 
                    the strongest truth.
                                                    ~Janice Van Dyck 

Briefly I considered the words, then immediately I wanted to change them. I thought: Change is perhaps the one constant in life, but it is not the strongest truth.

Carefully, I reread it and began to acknowledge that she was not talking about me. She was speaking of all the things she herself has learned in life.

But my thoughts grew louder within me: There is a simple principle - a law - the strongest most powerful law in the entire universe. It's the Law of Believing...all believing equals receiving and all receiving equals believing. It is a greater law than all the other laws of physics, because it transcends everyone of them.

I even began to wonder if others would read what she wrote and even...(gasp)... agree with her! At that point I finally realized I was being tempted, to not only pit the knowledge and understanding I've acquired in life against hers, but to do it in writing. And I didn't even know who she was!

Pausing, I asked myself: Do I really want to get into that kind of writing? Do I really want to start picking apart what others say - whether I think it's relevant or true or vital or not?

Without hesitation, I replied: No, I don't. Absolutely not! There's a place for commentary and opinion writing, but that's not where I want to go - not at all.

Logically, the next question is: Then where do you want to go, Kathy? The answer is simple. I have one purpose - one mission:  

I write with the belief to both inspire and challenge the human experience, welcoming criticism, for there is no person on earth who fails to intrigue me, and thereby touches my soul in some significant way.

It is not my intention to cast opinions that tend to judge the relevance or validity of what someone else may have thought or concluded. My desire and goal in writing would be defeated if I wrote in a framework that might tear down the very place another has reached by scaling their own mountain(s). Honestly, how welcoming would that be?

Totally unaware, Janice Van Dyck has touched my soul in a significant way. She has pushed me to reconsider my purpose and to decide whether or not my mission is still real to me - still where I choose to be. And - of all the things I've learned in life - she has inspired me to write of judgments and comparisons that we, at times unknowingly, superimpose on one another.

Although we've never met, please allow me to say, "Thank you, Janice."

Let's be friends

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  • M Kathy Brown

    Speaking of "impressed," check out who Janice Van Dyck is: http://janicevandyck.com/

    I'm eager to read her book, Finding Frances. It's remarkable to think I didn't even know who she was when I wrote that blog post.

  • M Kathy Brown

    Ey - That very thing makes it oh so difficult to actually communicate exactly what is thought or felt, to avoid misunderstandings, to resolve conflicts, to have integrity, i.e. to say exactly what one means and to mean precisely what one says - and to actually be understood the way it is meant. Too often people tend to read their own experiences or opinions between the lines. It's a mutual endeavor of respect between the author and a reader, a teacher and the pupil...or, here's a good one: between God and man. (My oh my - aren't I waxing philosophical today :~)

  • Ey Wade

    I've always been impressed with words, the way people express themselves and the different feelings/understanding individuals receive from reading or hearing the same words.