A Red Light Warms My Soul
A Red Light Warms My Soul Rubber hits ice, air escapes like a bursting balloon pulling me sideway then down, as if a giant hole in the pavement sucked me into darkness. Horns muffled and water rushed inside, touching my feet, rushing up to my knees, as cold as autumn air. I taste sharp cracks in ice as if a razor blade cut my skin. I can hear the six o'clock plane heading west, and the bells of Saint Agnes. Like the flushing of a toilet, pulling down thru a drain, sucking all that is… I hear the wind cut thru bare branches of a tree, as bodies swarm on top of me, on ice. My teeth clenched, my head touching the steering wheel. Then a red light warmed my soul. Nancy Duci Denofio all rights reserved (This is a taste of what will be in my new book, soon to be published.)

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  • Nancy Duci Denofio

    I have to tell you this came to me while I heard about a horrid accident at the start of winter, ande I just imagined what it had to be like, being stuck inside a car, beneath ice.