• Anna Leahy
  • THE SUBMISSION MISSION: A Project Statement
Written by
Anna Leahy
April 2011
Written by
Anna Leahy
April 2011



The Submission Mission Live Chat

First Friday of the Month at 3pm ET (Noon PT)

Instructions for Live Chats: http://www.shewrites.com/page/live-chats

Instigating Topics:

MAY 6: Developing Submission Habits

 READ about tips: http://www.shewrites.com/profiles/blogs/tips-for-developing-submission-4

JUNE 3: Where To Submit

READ about resources: http://www.shewrites.com/profiles/blogs/where-to-submit

JULY 1: Poetry, Stories, Essays, Etc.—Genre & Submissions

 READ IDEAS FOR SUMMER: http://www.shewrites.com/profiles/blogs/the-submission-mission-idea-1and http://www.shewrites.com/profiles/blogs/the-submission-mission-idea-2

AUGUST 5: Contests, Grants, Fellowships, Residencies with Guest Host Erika Dreifus

SEPTEMBER 2: Agents, Self-Publishing, Other Options, Etc.

OCTOBER 7: Print/Online, Envelopes/Submishmash, Etc.



In February, I got riled up. Word leaked out that gender disparity existed in literary publishing. This wasn’t news, but we finally saw the numbers. VIDA: Women in Literary Arts released a report that pie-charted top literary venues, including Granta, Harper’s, and Poetry. Darn those editors, I thought, for ignoring good writing by women.


But then, editors started responding. Tin House pointed out that the gender disparity in what they publish represents the gender disparity in submissions. Let’s submit, I thought. I put a call for “A Submission Movement” on Facebook and SheWrites.


I challenged every woman writer to send out a dozen submissions by the end of February, which gave us two weeks. Sending the same story or poems to twelve different venues was fine. The point was to let a dozen editors see my work and, on the larger scale, to change the submissions numbers. I didn’t want editors to blame women writers for their own lack of representation in The Threepenny Review or anywhere else. I didn’t want to reject myself from The New Yorker by not even sending them a poem.


Several women thanked me. One said my call just the kick in the pants she needed, and another received acceptances within a couple of weeks. It worked!


Except I didn’t send out a dozen submissions myself. I sent out three, but they were applications to residencies, not getting my work into the hands of editors. I rationalized that these applications took more time. I let myself off the hook. Another month went by.


Finally, in the last ten days of March, I submitted work to eight literary journals.


What took me so long? Why haven’t I sent a dozen submissions out in the last seven weeks? When I did submit, how did I decide where? How did I decide what piece(s) of writing to submit where? How did submitting encroach upon or fuel my writing time?


These are questions I hope will energize a wider discussion. When I posted that nudge, a friend wrote that a dozen submissions was too much. She thought a regular habit of submitting was more important to cultivate, and she’s right.


That’s why I formed a SheWrites group today and why I want to gather once every month, on the cusp of each first weekend. Let’s talk about why we submit and don’t submit, share strategies for making submitting a regular habit, and point each other to venues for our writing. Let’s set reasonable goals for getting our work into the hands of editors, and let’s achieve those goals! And when we fall short or receive rejections, let’s not give up!


Let's be friends

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  • Allison Ellis

    Love this idea! I don't write poetry but I welcome a kick in the pants to submit article ideas, essays, short stories. No excuses!

  • Julie Polk

    This is SO GREAT.  I'm in!

  • Margo Roby

    I'll be here Friday. I have poems, but I don't do well submitting, so am highly motivated to see if this group can side-circuit whatever is holding me back.

  • Antonia Malchik

    Anna, this made me laugh. Great goal -- I'll do my best! But last week I wrote a short blog entry responding to Vida, with reasons why my submission rates aren't high. In essence: "[I]t is a bit hard to engage in serious rewriting when you've got your "This is George. He was a good little monkey and always very curious" voice going on."

    Here's the link: http://pooplosophy.blogspot.com/2011/04/dear-vida-why-im-not-helping-up.html



  • Caroline Berger

    Great idea!

  • Shannon Drury

    Your timing is perfect--I just dropped three proposals in the mail this morning!

  • PeacefullDawn

    Oh and where did you get a list of 80 pubs to send to in one week! Did you submit the same article?

  • PeacefullDawn

    THIS IS GREAT! I have been having trouble finding places to submit too that do not charge fees. My goal is to get 100 rejection letters and I hope others will send me there rejection letters so we can make that part of the process less scary. I just got my first rejections from another writer and will be adding those to the site soon as well. My mission is rejoice the rejections - If I had a 100 rejections that means I am doing the work to get my writing out there and I deem that a HUGE SUCCESS!


    Thanks for hosting the Submission Mission. Please send me your rejection letters! I take out all identify information you want me to take out! So don't worry about that!




  • Preeva Tramiel

    I would love to start submitting my work more--I just don't know where to start! And query letters make me hyperventilate.

    So thanks for this group!

  • Anna Leahy

    Emily, I'm glad you'll be at the chat. Invite your friends, too, because there's no one way to go about this and it's important to share ideas.

  • Emily Lackey

    What a great chat idea! I have a lot of questions about submitting my work, and I could definitely use the motivation. I'll be joining in!

