• November 2011
    This is exactly why I am doing NaNoWriMo. Well, not the Barbara Kingsolver, Toni Morrison and Maxine Hong Kingston part:) That would indeed be mind-blowing. But, I spent 10 years on my first novel, which is under submission right now. I needed...
  • October 2011
    So, I've tried other things. I've even tried writing hard news, but I can't do anything besides write and teach writing. I tried working in an office environment. I tried being a journalist. I am not comfortable with either. I am a story teller, a...
  • November 2009
    Hey Lynn, I didn't see your response until today. Yes, we have been involved with LPA, but not as active as I'd like. We just have so much going on. I'm hoping to be more involved in the coming year. Kiki is older now and wanting to meet more LP...
  • July 2009
    That is so ironic. I didn't know you were here, Lynn. Here is my blog linking local readers to your article http://www.tecumsehherald.com/node/2084. I loved your article. My daughter has Kniest syndrome, a rare form of dwarfism. She's approaching...
  • July 2009
    Thank you for this. I met here briefly in 2002 I think it was. She was just as warm and genuine as was written of her at her death. She talked like I could just drop by and see her if I ever visited Vermont. She was indeed memorable.

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