
Discussion topics

  • Hello! I'm sitting in sunny and not as chilly by half as it was (only -10 today instead of -20!) Calgary. In my day life I work at a job I love. I am the director of...
  • Here's my query which got me representation (sorry if it reprints aggravatingly - i'm cutting and pasting): Dear Agent: Thanks very much for taking the time to read...
  • It's great to be both, and I think a lot of it depends on the venue for which you are...the most people possible.  After all, both Lewis and Tolkien believed that the modern day fairy tale, or mytholog...


  • Rachana Arya posted a status
    My new fiction novel “End of Endurance” is officially available on Amazon (Kindle edition and paperback edition) The novel delves into Zoe’s emotional ride through th...
  • Migdalia Torres posted a status
    Hello everyone! It is now March 10.2020 and I see some pages are not Updated with New Information. Let's keep up with the tracking of the New Post. Well, with all s...
  • Sarah Kennedy posted a status
    Work In Progress: Mhorag, Prophecy of Hope Book 2 COMING SOON! In this long awaited return to the saga a tantalizing tale of supernatural forces increasingly emb...


  • When I was in high school, I loved to sit under the oak tree in our side yard and read on a lawn chair, iced tea or lemonade by my side, for hours.   Read Dr. Seuss wh...
  • I love this idea.  It sounds like something I (Ms Must Control Everything) could benefit from.  To shake my writing up, I signed up for a fairy tale class.  I've never...
  • I understand that you'd have mixed feelings, but oh, how sweet of this loving man. I bet your mother felt his love, even if he never told her. What a tribute. And he wants the roses to keep coming after he is gone. Wow. To have won such enduring love. A true but real fairy tale. Well written.