Caseworker Fiction Specialist 2
Written by
Phoebe Wilcox
September 2012
Written by
Phoebe Wilcox
September 2012

Dear Cyberworld,

I'm obviously exhausted and scatterbrained today, but guess what? There are cobwebs that need to be swept down and spiders that need to be thrown out the door. ( I usually don't squish them.) Today is not a day for lying in bed and reading Anna Karenina all day. (Is there ever a day like that?!) CLEAN UP NOW, Phoebe!!


Caseworker Fiction Specialist 2 Nominated for Certain Things

I'm going to apply for the Fiction Specialist 3 position when I get my second novel published. I started out as a Fiction Specialist 2 just because it took me so long to write that first book. Time gives one special privileges.

P.S.--I am not actually crazy.

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