Every Writer Needs a Dog
Written by
Nino Gugunishvili
February 2018
Written by
Nino Gugunishvili
February 2018

As I’m writing this now, I’m sitting in my study and I can see a huge, abandoned park from my balcony. The park where for several years I went every morning, on a long walks with my English cocker spaniel, Figu, I’ve mentioned him in one of my previous posts here on she writes, and I think my dog deserves a big thank you, because, I’m more than certain that without him, the book I wrote would be different, or might not exist at all.

 You’d  wonder why I’m I bothering you with all those details, and why I’d even think it might be interesting for anyone to know about a life of a “dog lady,” or  why at all it’s related to writing process or creativity. But, for me owning a dog was how my writing slowly kicked off, it became a catalyst  and those long morning walks quicky became a “me time” where I could think of how the story in the book would evolve, develop, or twist, and what the characters further actions would be.

 Somehow, it became a wonderful ritual, an impulse not to stop, and move on with the story. It helped me to see what I wasn't able to see, to sense, to feel,to observe from a different angle and to stay freshly focused.   

Tasha, the main character in my book: Friday Evening, Eight O’Clock owns a labrador retriever Griffin, and a large part of her personality opens with her intercations, her routine as a dog owner. In a way, it affects her life too.

I’m always interested in how our own experences transform into our writing, how it inspires us even unconsciously and to what extent it’s a part of the creative process. For me, that everyday dog walking was a sheer joy; almost a theraphy and it brought me with the energy to burst into writing and finish the project. 

So, if you’re stuck, if you’re procrastinating, getting a dog might be an option. Apart from so many joys of dog ownership, it will also help you in your writing and maybe, in no time you’ll be holding the newly published book of your own.

Don’t forget to drop me a line when it happens!

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