
  • Rose CG posted a message for She Writes
    Hi, I have not been able to add new content recently. Is there a reason for this issue? Or perhaps the site is not working at full capacity due to the current crisis. I hope you all are doing well. Rose
  • I R
    Irene Roth posted a status
    The Farm By George Benda This is an eye-opening and p...wake up in time to keep our civil liberties and our modern life as we knew it intact?...for everyone who is worried about the state of our modern world and is ready to take...
  • Reader's Choice posted a status
    Your Next Big Idea: Improve Your Creativity and Problem-Solving by Samuel Sanders Featured by Yahoo!, Advertising Week, Thrive Global, Booklist Magazine, Publishers...
  • Donna Bryson posted a status
    An important story on the front page of today’s Denver Post is about our city’s “housing first” model that gets roofs over the hea...
  • Malini Rai posted a status
    My maiden book-Flotsam of the Mind, a collection of my poems (https://www.amazon.in/Flotsam-Mind-Malini-Nair-ebook/dp/B01MT0B2TQ/ref=dp_kinw_strp_1) made it to the Bes...
  • Elayne Clift posted a status
    Hot off the press! AROUND THE WORLD IN 50 YEARS: Travel Tales from a Not So Innocent Abroad (Braughler Books, March 2019). “All my life I have disagreed with Da...
  • I R
    Irene Roth posted a status
    Apollo’s Lyre: The Art of Spiritual Psychotherapy By Kenneth Porter, M.D. This is a scholarly and precise journey into a whole new realm of psychotherapy called sp...
  • I R
    Irene Roth posted a status
    The Farm By George Benda This is an eye-opening and p...wake up in time to keep our civil liberties and our modern life as we knew it intact?...for everyone who is worried about the state of our modern world and is ready to take...
  • Nicola West posted a status
    Second Chance Car Loans Second chance car loans may assist you in getting back on the road while also helping you to repair your credit. However your credit score c...
  • Honoring my Soul November 22, 2018 | Antonia Teresa Amore-Broccoli Monday November 19, 2018 The moon entered into bold, take charge and self-confident Air...