The Time To Give Up
Written by
Hallie Sawyer
March 2011
Written by
Hallie Sawyer
March 2011

Spring is almost here! Yahoo! I am seeing some signs of life. Neighbors are starting to linger on driveways, I am seeing more and more robins, and the dreaded reflective season of Lent is here. It's time to give up and that's okay.

What should you give up? Is it a big enough sacrifice? Like saying "I will give up popping my knuckles" won't quite cut it. It has to be something that really hurts you to do without.

I understand that not everyone observes Lent and does the whole giving up thing. But I sort of enjoy it. It helps me see what I can accomplish. I am giving up coffee & wine (or any spirits for that matter). As a writer, is this not the double-whammy of sacrifices? Writing without coffee is like walking at night with sunglasses on. And the wine part. Juggling three kids and a spazzo six-month-old dog, managing crazy sports schedules, and hammering away on whatever writing project I can practically screams wine breaks. But, alas! I shall give them up.

I have to admit, I sort of cheated. I'm headed on vacation soon and about three weeks ago, I started to rein in some bad habits while trying to redevelop some good ones. I needed to detox after my cold weather hibernation, which did NOT include sacrifice. It primarily involved indulgences and imbibing.

Eating healthy requires sacrifice. By eating a lot of protein, my body pH can get thrown into the highly acidic range. Coffee and wine are also proponents of an acidic body. Disease flourishes in an acidic body but can't survive in an alkaline one. So, in order to balance things out, I will give them up. The bonus is that I will lose some body fat in the process.

Lent is a time to give up things, examine ourselves, cut away the excess, and become reborn. Become a better person. Whether you observe Lent or not, I think Spring is a great time for everyone to take a closer look at ourselves. To really examine and find what we don't like. Sort of like a Spring cleaning for the soul.

I hope you find yourself shining a little brighter as you slough off the old, yucky parts and polish up the things you love. The world can always use a little more you.



What are you giving up this Lent?

Has there ever been a time when you "gave up" that ended up being good for you?

What is your favorite thing about Spring?

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