Want to Write a Book? Get out of Your Own Way
Written by
Maria Murnane
July 2016
Written by
Maria Murnane
July 2016

Sometimes when people I encounter find out I'm an author, they share with me their own ambitions of writing a book. While some of these individuals go on to reach their goals, in my experience that's usually not the case. I've lost track of how many times an aspiring author has told me that he or she once started writing a book, but then for various reasons it went nowhere. Some of the most common explanations I hear include:

*I got too busy with work/family

*I wasn't sure where the plot was going

*I was afraid it was awful

*It seemed like so much work

*I set it down and just didn't pick it up again

There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of the above, but here is the truth: Yes, they are reasons, but they are also excuses. It's completely fine if you don't finish your book or even if you never start your book. No one is telling you that you must write a book. It's your life, and you should live it as you choose. But if you truly want to write a book, you're the only one who can make yourself do it. That's really all it comes down to.

Much like losing weight or getting (and staying) in shape, writing a book takes discipline and commitment over a long period of time. There are always going to be reasons for why you can't eat right every day or work out every day. Always. But if you really want to lose weight by eating right regularly, you will. And if you really want to be in shape be exercising regularly, you will.

Writing a book is challenging and scary and not always fun. And once you're done, there's no guarantee that you'll sell a single copy. But who cares? For the vast majority of authors, writing a book isn't about the money. It's about writing a book. So if you really want to be an author, get out of your own way and make it happen. I promise you'll be glad you did.


Maria Murnane is the best-selling author of the Waverly Bryson series, Cassidy Lane, Katwalk, and Wait for the Rain. She also provides consulting services to aspiring and published authors. Have questions? You can find her at www.mariamurnane.com.


This blog post originally appeared on CreateSpace.com. Reprinted with permission. © 2016 CreateSpace, a DBA of On-Demand Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.

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  • Summer Ball


    Thank you for this post! This is exactly what I needed to hear, today.

  • So true. Everything valuable in life takes time, persistence and work. 

  • Marie Pagan

    So true. I can surely see myself in those excuses listed above.

    Thanks for the nudge!

  • "For the vast majority of authors, writing a book isn't about the money. It's about writing a book." so true....so true.... I am one of that majority. Good post.

  • In my 44 year writing career I can't number the times someone has told me "I want to write a book or I'm writing a book...or I've written a book, can you read it/help me/or help me get it published? Over the years I learned to politely decline everything but a giving them a little advice or information that would help them do whatever they wanted to do. I've learned in my long career that some people are born to be writers...and some are not. All you have to do is WRITE THAT BOOK and as the post above says, some just never can. A writer is born to write and cannot not write. So do yourselves all a favor and when someone tells you any of the above, smile and be encouraging but never, never stop your own writing to help someone who just "wants to write a book" or it will eat up your writing time. Just write your own books. http://tinyurl.com/ld4jlow

  • Laurie Harper

    Well said.

  • Here, here! Common sense truth. Thanks, Maria.

  • Thank you! I will write my book!