What has our world become?
Written by
Lee Roberts
August 2019
Written by
Lee Roberts
August 2019

What has our world become?

We live in a world full of hate and violence

Where kindness and love used to rule

Sunday suppers with family were the norm

Now it’s grab and dash, eat on the run.

We’ve attached ourselves to technology

Detached ourselves from each other

Families text each other from across the room

Eye contact and conversation are minimal at best.

Outdoor play ruled over Xbox games

We came home when it got dark

Or when street lights came on

Now we’re a nation of zombie kids

What has our world become?

Image: Pixabay


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  • Hyba Revising

    Lovely piece - and definitely relatable! It's unfortunate that technology is having such an anti-social effect on populations and cultures around the world, increasingly pushing us into a man-made isolation. It's also unfortunately become a vehicle for hatred and conflict, though I'm certain this was never the intention. As always, it comes down to the user and how they behave and use technology. Thanks for sharing this!