Hey, Mister, on The Street!
Written by
Rose CG
March 2020
Written by
Rose CG
March 2020

Look, mom! That man is sleeping on the street.

That's his home. Johnny, don't stare; leave him alone.

I think his dog has fleas!

I 'm in a hurry. I can't stop today.


Little Johnny, I said, "Don't stare!"

Do you think he's hungry?

We just sent them money the other day.

I 'm in a hurry. I can't stop today.


Hey! Mister!

You can go to the church or the rescue mission on the corner.

I know he's alone, but I'm on my phone.

I 'm in a hurry. I can't stop today.


His clothes are dirty and old!

Do you think he's cold?

Get back in your seat. We need to cross the street.

I 'm in a hurry. I can't stop today.


I think he's all alone.

Mom, can we take him home?

For heaven's sake, take a break.

I 'm in a hurry. I can't stop today.


Do you think he has a mom?

I have an extra cookie for him.

We have to go the light just turned green.

I 'm in a hurry. I can't stop today.


Hey! Mom, do you think God loves him too?

I think he might be sick, do you?

Why are we stopping?

Hey, Mister! We're not in a hurry. Can we help you today?





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