Darkness and light
Written by
March 2011
Written by
March 2011

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” – Carl Rogers


Over the past two weeks, eczema has exploded all over my body in a rage of itchy, burning red welts. The word eczema literally means “to boil over” and yesterday was the worst of it. Things came to a head at 3 am this morning, after hours of tossing and turning from the itchiness. My husband ended up driving to the drugstore to get Benadryl, which finally relieved the intensity and allowed me to sleep. 

Eczema is the deterioration of the skin’s natural barrier – our body’s first line of defense against external elements and the environment. It can be the result of an allergy or food intolerance, repressed emotion, or intense periods of stress. Although I'm not particularly stressed, I’ve been practicing meditation, and am in the middle of a monthly meditation course. Through this practice, things previously hidden from my awareness are continually coming to the surface.  ...Continue

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